Why and how does it flood?
/Now that we are in the late spring and early summer season, let’s talk about flooding.
Living beside a large body of water, the topic of flooding is regularly seen in the media. This is especially true for our region at this time of year.
A flood happens when there is an overflow of water that ends up over an area of land that is normally dry.
Heavy rainfall, snow or ice melt, waves coming on shore, or the malfunction of a dam can cause flooding.
Geography plays a role in the probability of flooding. Homes that are near rivers or creeks are more susceptible to flooding. Areas near paved surfaces are also at a higher risk of flooding because paved ground cannot absorb the water.
Because we live in a valley, rain or snowmelt running down the sloped surrounding mountains can cause creeks and rivers to fill up quickly. Thunderstorms are especially prone to heavy rain and can add to the swelling of the water in no time.
You may have heard of the “Pineapple Express”. This type of a weather pattern describes an atmospheric river can affect flooding in parts of Southern BC. This is because this conveyor belt can carry a large amount of moisture to our region from the sub-tropics.
Flooding will happen - it’s just a matter or when and how often. Let’s hope Mother Nature will avoid bringing us extreme conditions this year. .
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