HOT Cars do NOT mix with kids and pets... here's why!

Now that it’s summer, remember to NEVER leave your pets or kids in the car unattended because it can get very HOT in your vehicle. Why does it get so much warmer in the car, 🚘 compared to the temperatures outside?
☀️This all has to do with the greenhouse effect. The sun’s light energy passes through the glass of a vehicle. Some of this visible energy is reflected back outdoors.
😎However, some of this energy is also absorbed by the inside of the car and then reradiated as heat. This heat cannot escape the car because automobile glass is not permeable to this type of energy, trapping the heat.
🌡 This results in temperatures rising very quickly inside a vehicle. A parked car in the sun that is 25C to start has the potential to get up to 40C within a half hour. This same car can get over 50C if it remains parked for even longer amounts of time.
#weather #sun #mothernature #hot #July2020 #kelowna #okanagan #summer #meteorology #weslaweather #wx #pets #kids #climate #nowyouknow #weather #mountains #forecasts #britishcolumbia #bc #canada #daytimehighs #temperature

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